FACT - Your Employees Are Not OK
The UK is posting record numbers of the workforce not working due to ill health, with a significant increase in mental health sick days now being taken on a regular basis.
A report from AXA UK's 2023 Mind Health Study states that nearly half of the UK workforce are feeling overwhelmed, anxious and highly strained costing 23.3m sick days and the economy £28bn GDP a year.
Gallup's State of the Global Workplace polls highlight only a fifth of workers are engaged at work and a third thriving in their overall wellbeing.
Yet employees are striving to find employers who recognise and can support them in their journey to find the right work-life balance, motivation, remote team collaboration and company engagement.
According to a Corporate Wellness survey 84% of employees said it’s important that a prospective employer offer “robust and comprehensive mental health benefits” This fantastic resource from Positive Intelligence® for leaders covers everything from combating the mental health crisis in the workplace to championing employee happiness, emotional intelligence and boosting productivity.
You’ll learn: ➡ What’s behind today’s diminished mental health ➡ Why traditional wellness programs aren’t solving the problem ➡ What successful companies are doing to create change and benefits ➡ How to shape a culture of mental fitness in your workplace
And the results are quick and staggering from a 6 week program requiring only 15 minutes per day focused on building high emotional intelligence (EQ) to help employees release their Saboteur shackles and become more engaged, motivated and happy within themselves.
➡ 97% experience growth in emotional self awareness
➡ 91% are more optimistic
➡ 92% boost their teamwork and collaboration
➡ 97% increase their empathy competency
I hope you’ll take a moment to download your free copy today and if you would like to learn more about how I can work with you and your teams as a Mental Fitness Coach please reach out to me directly - antony@ribbitconsulting.co.uk